Manual for doctors


The main directions of the scientific medical researches of the Russian Academy of Medical Science are:

  • development of the fundamental problems of ecology and hygiene of the environment as scientific basis of the state actions on its preservation and care of health in Russia;

  • development of the fundamental bases of a state policy in the field of healthy feed;

  • search, development and studying new substances against tumor, viruses and microbes;

Since 2003 is widely adopted a new qualitative product of healthy feed, there are no analogues in the Russian market, in the markets of the CIS countries. This red palm oil “ Zlata Palma”® - 100 % natural vegetative refined and deodorized oil, the richest source in the world of natural provitamin A (carotinoids), vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols) and coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone), which plays the most important role in the nation invigoration, because they are the strongest antioxidants, protecting our organism from free radicals.


Antioxidants are:

The special chemical particles, named by «free radicals” negatively influence biochemical processes in the organism of the human being. They are extremely active formations (molecules, if to be exactly, the particles, having not coupled electrons), forming during vital activity of the organism, and also at influence of adverse factors of the environment (radiation, polluted atmosphere, tobacco smoke, chemical compound, getting to the organism with food, etc.). Such molecules aspire to take away electrons from other "high-grade" molecules and after that, the "suffered" molecule becomes itself a free radical, and thus, develops a destructive chain reaction perniciously, acting on alive cell of the person.

Chain reactions with participation of free radicals can be the reason of many dangerous diseases - such, as stress, asthma, diabetes, arthritics, expansion of veins, atherosclerosis, illnesses of heart, phlebitides, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and others.

Negative action of free radicals is shown in acceleration of the organism ageing, provoking inflammatory processes in muscular, connective and other tissues, wrong functioning of various systems of an organism: circulating, nervous (including cells of brain) and immune systems. These infringements are connected, first of all, with damage of cellular membranes.

In the scientific literature this process is called “peroxide lipids oxidation”, and the result of destructive influence - oxidative stress. Free radicals can show also the mutagen properties, connected with infringement of DNA (structure molecules), causing the changes of hereditary information and oncological diseases.

Usually, healthy organism are managed itself with free radicals, arising during a natural metabolism of cells, however adverse external factors lead to a situation, when protective forces of an organism can not neutralize surplus of aggressive particles, and the risk repeatedly raises at physical and emotional loadings.

During evolution, the nature has created a protection against destructive action of free radicals.

This protection - antioxidants. Antioxidants - greate group of biologically active connections, widely widespread in the nature. The spectrum of biological action of antioxidants is rather various and caused, basically, their protective functions, expressed in ability to neutralize negative action of free radicals.

The most known antioxidants are tocopherols and tocotrienols (vitamin E), carotinoids (provitamin). Powerful antioxidant action possesses coenzyme Q10. All these biologically active substances are contained in the red palm oil “Zlata Palma”®.

Antioxidants are the most important part of cellular-protein system of an organism. They possess ability to neutralize free radicals harmful to an organism, and unstable molecules, which cause significant destructions of cells. Free radicals are formed during the process of the vital activity, especially in such extreme conditions, as the polluted atmosphere or smoking.

Destruction of cells, as a result of influence of free radicals together with other factors, if not to neutralize antioxidants, can lead to development of some chronic diseases, including oncological, cataract, intimate insufficiency and others. Antioxidants promote clarification and improvement of the organism, updating of cells, skin rejuverenation.


For what purpose is necessary vitamin E:

Vitamin E carries out the important protective function in the organism, struggling with free radicals and protecting the fat acids especially unsaturated, from these gluttonous predators. Unsaturated fat acids are very important (for example, for cellular membranes), but unfortunately, are unstable. They influenced free radicals, collapse also this destruction expands, as snow-ball or chain reaction.

The molecule of vitamin E intercepts a molecule of a free radical and, giving her one electron or the ion, transforms it into neutral harmless substance, which is deduced from an organism together with urine. To special danger from free radicals, are exposed red corpuscles, or red blood of the corpuscle, whose environments are especially sensitive and fragile. If red blood corpuscles are not surrounded by molecules of vitamin E, they are attacked with free radicals, damaging them. Their structure in this case changes, fiber of an environment hardens, and red blood corpuscles lose ability to transfer oxygen to cells.

Protecting red blood corpuscle, transferring oxygen to heart and other bodies, vitamin E to that promotes breath of cells in all body. First of all, it cares of that muscles and their nerves managed whenever possible smaller quantity of oxygen that raises their force and endurance. SPORTSMEN at whom through lungs passes a plenty of air, "pump up" in blood and tissues accordingly more oxygen. It can represent danger, causing processes of oxidation and turning in free radicals, so-called peroxides. Therefore, the people leading an active and sports way of life, should pay special attention on updating of stocks of vitamin E.

Vitamin E prevents or eliminates infringements of blood circulation as reduces coagulability of blood, also it does not allow to be formed in blood clots. Besides, it protects the major glands, such as hypothalamus, goitrous iron and a bark of adrenal glands.

Vitamin E has one more property, which scientists have found out last years. It prevents inflammatory processes in an organism, become by the widespread illness owing to a wrong feed. Vitamin E suppresses manufacture of the substances, having inflammatory an effect, such as leucosis and prostaglandins, which are consequence of consumption of meat in a plenty. Acid, containing in meat, forms a basis for development of these substances in the tissues of the body and causing inflammatory processes.


Consequences of vitamin E deficiency:

Where there is no protection of antioxidants, in particular vitamin E, fat collapses. So occurs, for example, with oil, which was left on light. It becomes prorancid, and it means, that fat acids, containing in it, have treated to action of free radicals and have been destroyed.

If there is no enough vitamin E in our meal, fats in an organism collapse in the same way. A typical attribute of it are senile spots on hands. These are congestions fat the substances oxidized by free radicals. They practically do not manage to be eliminated. They still also form strong connections with proteins. These spots in the latent kind arise in lungs, in nervous system, brain, kidneys, fatty cells, muscles and other tissues. They can not be formed at enough quantity of vitamin E in an organism. Scientists only recently have established that each cell of a body up to ten thousand times day is exposed to an attack of free radicals. It is possible to imagine, what important protective role antioxidants (play vitamins A and E).

According to it, diseases and illnesses often is only consequence of shortage of antioxidants, in particular vitamin E. In this case free radicals destroy cells and their kernels, immediately being made multiple copies on their remains.

The structure of our blood varies hourly depending on that, how much vitamin E or other protective substances we accept with food. If we, after cheerfully spent night with a lot of alcohol and cigarette, feel broken the reason of it consists in billions victims red blood corpuscle.

As in the oily-damp environment of cellular membranes transfers of nervous impulses is also carried out, the balance of humidity should be supported necessarily at a constant level. Otherwise there will be a feeling numbness in hands and the legs, accompanied by pricking. The same happens, when there is a deficiency of vitamin E.

Vitamin E often uses as a synonym an alpha-tocotrienol or its steadier form. Vitamin E, actually, consists of two families of vitamins: tocopherols and tocotrienols, each of them is subdivided into four groups: alpha, beta, gamma and delta. Therefore, the food, which we eat, can contain various combinations and consist of these various forms of vitamin E.

Vitamin E have recognized as essential nutrient in 1922, but, to the surprise, many doctors and scientists still did not hear about “tocotrienols”. But this all will soon change, since with growth of scientific researches it becomes known, that tocotrienols play the major role of strong antioxidants in our organism, which overcome chronic intimate diseases, cancer, struggle with effects of ageing.


What are the tocotrienols and the required quantity?

“Zlata Palma”® is a natural source of vitamin E - tocopherols and tocotrienols. And if practically in all vegetable oils contain tocopherols, red palm oil - a unique rich source of tocotrienols.

The palm oil is the richest source of tocotrienols, which, to surprise, is absent in other consumed vegetative fats, such as soybean oil, corn oil, sunflower oil and cotton oil. From total of the vitamin E, containing in the palm oil, tocotrienols make 70 %, and tocopherols - 30 %. And here in many other things vegetative fats, vitamin E consists only from tocopherols. Other sources of tocotrienols can be found in such cereals, as rice and barley. Thus, any food, used with palm oil, will contain high number of tocotrienols.

In the USA, the recommended day time doze of vitamin E makes 30 mg that is equivalent to two teaspoons saturated tocotrienols of red palm oil. While the avitaminosis at healthy people is enough to prevent 30 mg, does not take into consideration such factor as an environment, which can increase need of the organism for vitamin E.

Scientific researches at the Californian University, the USA, have shown that antioxidants in the form of tocotrienols in 40 - 60 times are stronger than antioxidants of tocopherols.


What show scientific researches of tocotrienols?


1. Reducing cholesterol.

Within 5000 years the mankind acquires with food tocotrienol, but its curative properties remained unknown persons. Action of tocotrienols on decrease in cholesterol is similar to action of the medical product known as “Statin”, which is registered often by doctors to patients with the increased level of cholesterol. This interesting opening has been roughly apprehended by the international research community, and soon, the plasma taken from palm oil tocotrienol, possessing properties to a lower level of cholesterol, has been applied in public in many research institutes worldwide.


2. Prevention of education of blood clots in arteries.

The blood clot is formed, when are activated blood plates that in a consequence lead to education of blood clots. Activity blood plate in circulation is regulated by local hormones which number also influence tocotrienols. There are "good" local hormones and "harmful". Tocotrienols help formation of "good" hormones that helps to prevent a congestion blood пластинок and helps to expand blood vessels that prevent formation of blood clots in arteries that can lead to development of an atherosclerosis and even heart attack.


3. Destruction of atherosclerotic plaques.

As formation atherosclerotic plaque usually begins in the childhood and a youth, consider, that never will be too early or too late to take pleasure in taste of red palm oil, which so richly useful of tocotrienols.


4. Suppression of cells cancer growth.

In the field of cancer pathogens, researchers of institute the Western of Ontario, Canada and Malaysian research institute of the palm oil have shown how palm tocotrienols break growth of tumoral cells at rodents, which artificial have by entered cancer cells. That is interesting, researches palm tocotrienols have shown, that they are the same effective means, as well as tamocsiphen (a usual preparation for treatment of a cancer of a breast), and at sharing efficiency of treatment will be twice stronger.


5. Protects skin and slows down ageing.

Scientists of Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Californian University, the USA used the experimental mouse, deprived a scalp, applying on her tocotrienols internally and местно. Results have shown that applied tocotrienols protect a tissue from damages at hit on skin of strong ultra-violet beams. It once again proves that tocotrienols can protect skin from solar burns and from other adverse factors of an environment. Protection of skin tissues at use tocotrienols, means, that these strongest antioxidants can slow down effect of ageing and can be used in cosmetic creams. Yes, tocotrienols possess such protective ability as inside of an organism, and getting from the outside through a skin. A question on one million dollars, which will make changes to the further researches: tocotrienols is an elixir of a perfect skin?



Vitamin E - tocopherol, fat-soluble vitamin has been opened in 1922. It has been noticed, that at its deficiency in a diet of laboratory rats during pregnancy the fetus perished, and males had atrophy. The stream of the information on this vitamin, which became one of the most powerful our allies in protection of the organism against the destructions, caused by free radicals also has begun with it.


Food sources.

The richest sources are vegetable oils. The most valuable in this respect is the red palm oil “Zlata Palma”®. Then food represents a value of soybean and corn oils, also almonds and peanut.


Action on an organism.

By virtue of the antioxidant opportunities, tocopherol joins in a cellular membrane for removal of free radicals, which could weaken the most basic protective line of a cell. In the immune cells, it also strengthens and protects their membrane that enables healthy cells to use the potential for struggle against viruses and bacteria. By results of scientific researches, this major function of tocopherol can protect us from an atherosclerosis, from intimate diseases, from formation of cataract and from fast ageing all our tissues.


Deficiency of tocopherols in an organism.

Deficiency of tocopherols in an organism can lead to nervous and muscular frustration, difficulty at walking, easing of muscles of eyes. Lack of tocopherols also can lead to reduction of longevity of red blood cells. Researches on animals have shown that the cardiac muscle and reproductive ways can suffer from lack of tocopherols.




Provitamin А (mg/kg)
Vitamin Е (mg/kg)
  carotinoids tocopherols tocotrienols
"Zlata Palma" © 525 325 675
soybean oil 89
corn oil 780
sunflower-seed oil 550
olive oil 50


Provitamin A (carotinoids), for what purpose it needs:

Carotinoids are fat-containing pigments. Nearby 60 from of them (for example, beta-carotin) are considered as provitamin, predecessors of vitamin A (retinol), arising during metabolism.

Carotinoids play flora role of absolutely perfect defensive weapon against destructive free radicals. The same as and in plants, carotinoids protect cells from combustion under influence of free radicals. Without carotinoids the person within several minutes will be lost, because all cells will simultaneously fail. The nature does not recognize illnesses. She distinguishes only old and young cells. Young cells are protected by carotinoids and other biological defenders. People that have cells full of saturated carotinoids, remain younger, than people, which have less carotinoids.

As cells can be saturated by carotinoids only, if they are in thin blood vessels, we should care of, that in blood always there were enough molecules of carotinoids, as, they getting in cells, save their youth, protecting from free radicals.

In 29 from 31 research on problems of struggle against oncological diseases in the USA, it is underlined, that the high contents of carotinoids in a daily feed is good protection against cancer. To begin treatment by provitamin A, it is necessary as soon as possible, because passes ten days before concentration of this important nutrient in blood, will reach a maximum level. And until in skin and all tissues of a body the necessary quantity of this valuable substance will collect, can pass 5-6 weeks.

As soon as carotinoids are allocated from food weight, they immediately turn by means of bilious salts and enzymes to vitamin A, and the active help in it is rendered with hormones of a thyroid gland, atoms of iron, zinc and vitamin E.

Vitamin A - is the best friend, very sensitive, mucous membranes. He stimulates manufacture of slime, which protects the thinnest environment from drying. Absolutely clearly, that in the becoming horny layers of mucous membrane there are no natural protective mechanisms against cancerogenic substances.

Vitamin A in our immune system struggles with viruses, bacteria and other activators of illnesses, supports youth and health of our organism, improves visual acuity, does skin smooth and elastic.

Carotinoids in the immune system increase protective force of own interferon in organism against activators of illnesses. First of all, they protect from free radicals sensitive gland, which represents headquarters of immune systems. This small gland, being behind breast, with the years shrink and gradually loses the functions. Vitamin A as immunologists have already proved. can at sufficient concentration in blood again cause growth of gland, but also, increases quantity of white blood corpuscles-guards of immune system.

Our oculists are very conservative. Instead of recommending to patients to increase consumption of provitamin A, they on the first consultation register spots. Modern biochemists consider such practice become outdated. If to increase daily consumption peep rich of carotinoids, many quite would manage spots. This provitamin is a serious competitor of our optical industry.

Vitamin A is necessary and in such delicate sphere, as love, sex and continuation of a sort. First, vitamin for quite clear reason is necessary for a mucous membrane of genitals. Secondly, vitamin A plays the important role in synthesis of progesterone - an intermediate product of sexual hormones.

During the latest time data that vitamin A is closely connected with a hormone of growth are obtained, and both of them have the general receptors in cells of an organism. As at bones much in common with a teeth, it concerns also a bite of our kids. Vitamin A strengthens maxillary bones and prevents thus a wrong bite. Besides, it increases stability of gums to infections and inflammations.


Consequences of vitamin A deficiency

Vitamin A stimulates manufacture of slime, which protects the thinnest environment from drying. Without it, cells making slime, die off, and instead of them become horny layers in lungs, stomach, intestines, bladder, genitals, and also on skin are formed. Consequence of it can become pains in a stomach, infringement of digestion, inflammatory processes in urinogenital sphere and even oncological diseases. There is a set of new scientific researches, especially in the USA, which prove, that predisposition to a cancer is higher, because of lack of carotinoids, (provitamin A) accepts with food. In 1967 the American biochemist Dzhorzh Uold has received the Nobel Prize, having found out value of vitamin A for sight. Vitamin A is spent at each light excitation for synthesis of visual purple rhodopsin. It represents special interest for people, who long work for television and computer screens and, and eyes almost every second should react on contrast light. Consequence of it is very high consumption of vitamin A. As the eye during many millions years has got value of the vital sense organ (it warns of danger and helps to find food), in him exclusively rich network of blood vessels, which serves to deliver vitamin A, mainly developed. At each light irritation, there is a chemical disintegration of uncountable set of molecules rhodopsin, and there and then during biosynthesis from fiber and vitamin A new molecules rhodopsin are created. If vitamin A does not suffice, inevitably there comes frustration of sight. Besides, its shortage conducts to drying and hardening of cells of a cornea and then we lose in addition and a protective film of a plaintive liquid. Consequence is peeling of cells, corking of plaintive channels. Dries up mucous continuation of skin a century, and there is a danger of the painful inflammation named by conjunctivitis. Also shortage of vitamin A can lead to chronic dryness of eyes.

If it is not enough vitamin A, there is a deficiency spermatozoon at men and as Thomas Moore has proved, the professor of the Cambridge University, decrease in a sexual inclination and bareness at women.

If children badly grow, the reason of it can be shortage of vitamin A. Growth of bones in finiteness’s happens mainly in the field of joints. Cells of the tissues most actively participating during metabolism, demand a plenty of vitamin A. Young cells of bones grow, save some time activity, and then die off to give up the place new cells. That this constant cycle in children's finiteness (and in all bones) did not stop, some people have enzymes, which can promote their dying off. These enzymes are under the constant control of vitamin A. If vitamin does not suffice, though there are enough weights, but there is no control over another, too very important process of its dying off, and growth of the child is broken. Not casually parent milk in the first days after sorts, contains huge quantity of carotinoids. It can be defined on its yellowish color.

Carotinoids render good medical effect at gastritis, stomach ulcer of stomach and duodenum, promotes fast healing of wounds and recover after operative interventions. Show expressed antioxidant effect, promote decrease in risk of development of the oncological and other diseases arising in connection with the raised ecological load on the person.

Deficiency of carotinoids in an organism increases risk of occurrence of sharp respiratory infections and other diseases as local and general resistibility of an organism goes down.

The southern sun steals vitamin A.

The southern sun not only gives to skin a desired bronze shade, but also promptly exhausts stocks of vitamin A without which an organism not in a status to cope with solar burns, wounds and cuts. At deficiency of vitamin A processes of restoration of skin are slowed down, there are premature wrinkles, hair grow dull and drop out, the probability of oncological diseases of skin increases. Inhabitants of average and northern breathes especially suffer from it, unusual to greater, aggressive dozes of solar beams, sending in warm edges. Therefore it is possible to recommend them daily reception of red palm oil “Zlata Palma”®, as a preventive food stuffs rich of carotinoids.


Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 - the substance of the nature, which is present at each cell of an organism of the person and plays the major role in processes energy formation. Coenzyme Q10 is the vital part in a circuit of maintenance of cells of an organism necessary biochemical components, oxygen promotes more to an effective utilization, is a powerful antioxidant, which will neutralize damaging action of the free radicals formed in an organism of the person under influence of an irradiation, stresses, chemicals.

In 1978 American scientist Peter Mitchel has received the Nobel Prize for development of the theory of action.

Scientists mark, that coenzyme Q10 protective an effect has on heart, and also promotes strengthening of immune system. At the same time, coenzyme Q10 very easily collapses, especially under action of excessively heat. At reception coenzyme Q10 with food the raised arterial pressure is normalized, there is its stabilization.

Leading gerontological centers of the world are the main consumers of this product, as it has been established, that presence at an organism coenzyme Q10 promotes delay of processes of ageing. It is known, that ability of an organism to synthesize coenzyme Q10 decreases with the years, therefore application of this product renders the most appreciable influence at persons mature and advanced age. Deficiency ubiquinone in an organism can lead to diabetes, a muscular dystrophy, cardiovascular diseases, oncological diseases.

The quantity of coenzyme Q10 decreases in an organism with the years, therefore it should be included in addition in a diet, especially for people 50 years old.


Action of coenzyme on an organism of the person:

Coenzyme Q10 is a component of mitochondrion - the subcellular elements developing about 95 % of all energy, necessary for a human body. In the internal bodies consuming a plenty of energy, such as heart, a liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, the high level coenzyme Q10 should be supported.

Researches have shown, that 25 percent deficiency coenzyme Q10 in these bodies can be the reason of serious diseases. With the years our organism loses ability to acquire enough coenzyme Q10, acting with food, therefore the risk of diseases increases.

Coenzyme Q10 it is necessary for maintenance of immune protection of an organism, normal job of cardiovascular system and a brain. Protects cells from harmful influence of free radicals, slows down processes of ageing of an organism, promotes strengthening of tissues of gums, and promotes maintenance of normal weight.

Sources of coenzyme Q10 are red palm oil “Zlata Palma”®, spinach, mackerel, salmon, sardines, peanut, beef.